Special Educational Needs and Disability

Special Educational Needs and Disability at John Whitgift Academy
SEND Team:
Nicola Sowerby- SENCO
Jenny Hildred- Deputy SENCO/Text Champion
Clare Glaves- Vice Principal
Helen Shillings- Associate Assistant Principal for SEND
Amy Williams – SEND administrator
Sharon Hurst-Teaching Assistant, Maths
Janet Smith- Teaching Assistant
Nicolle Brewitt- Teaching Assistant
Tilly Lyons- Teaching Assistant (SEMH/pastoral support)
Cat Milford-Teaching Assistant
Clare Bond-Teaching Assistant, English
Jannette Leonard-Teaching Assistant
Stacy Baines- Teaching Assistant
Measha Smith- Teaching Assistant
Contact the SEND team: send@johnwhitgift.org.uk
SEND at John Whitgift Academy
John Whitgift Academy is dedicated to enabling all learners to make significant progress; in knowledge, understanding and skills, in attitudes and values, as social beings and as lifelong learners. We understand the education goals for all children are the same, but the help that individual children need in progressing towards them will be different.
We aim to address the needs of each individual student, so they can:
- Develop a clear pathway through education to adulthood, paid employment and independent living
- Experience success in learning and reach their full potential
- Enjoy greater self-esteem knowing their opinions and achievements are valued
- Be fully and genuinely included in the life of the academy
- Work towards independence
To achieve these goals we strive:
- To follow the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014
- To promote a flexible and imaginative organisational structure in which learning needs can be met and personalised programmes of work can be agreed; with colleagues, parents and students
- To liaise with other staff in identifying and assessing students’ needs
- To promote access to a broad and balanced curriculum
- To promote, monitor and evaluate progress for students with SEN and disabilities (SEND)
- To compliment the delivery of Quality First Teaching
- To work closely with our partners within the Delta Academies Trust and our partners in the local authority to provide essential provision for all
You can read our SEN Report on our Statutory Information page here.
Contact: Mrs Sowerby Email SEND
SEND Local Offer
Find local information, events and training, and regular updates relating to SEND on the Council’s SEND Local Offer website.
NELC SEND Local Offer | Home (nelincs.gov.uk)
We develop this website in conjunction with everyone who uses it. To work with us on the website please contact Lauren Thompson, SEND Local Offer Engagement Coordinator and Communications Officer at lauren.thompson2@nelincs.gov.uk.
NEL Council’s SEND parent carer Newsletter
The Local Authority’s SEND Team compile regular updates about SEND in their newsletter that goes out weekly during term time.
NELC SEND Local Offer | SEND Newsletter (nelincs.gov.uk)
This is shared to all schools, or you can sign up to the mailing list by emailing Lauren Thompson, SEND Local Offer Coordinator at sendlocaloffer@nelincs.gov.uk.
Latest NE Lincs SEND newsletter: SEND newsletter – John Whitgift Academy
SENDIASS North East Lincolnshire is a free service for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their parents and carers. It’s impartial and we give confidential information, advice and support in relation to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and related health and social care matters.
Learn more about how SENDIASS can help you. SENDIASS – NELC (nelsendiass.org.uk)
The North East Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum is a collective group of parents passionate about driving positive change. Our aim is to be a true representation of the voices of parent carers of children with additional needs and disabilities. We strive to have a positive impact on the planning and provision of services and decision making for the families of North East Lincolnshire- now, and in the future.
Get involved with NELPCF’s activities:
Delivering Better Value in SEND
The Delivering Better Value in SEND programme (DBV in SEND) is aiming to support local authorities and their local area partners to improve the delivery of SEND services for children and young people whilst working towards financial sustainability.
To stay up to date with the programmes progress please visit NELC SEND Local Offer | Delivering Better Value in SEND (nelincs.gov.uk).