Design Technology

Subject Area:  Design and Technology  
Head of Department:Mrs Watkinson    
Teaching staff:Mrs Watkinson Mr Merrikin (KS3 Design and Technology)    
Year 11 Course Title:  NCFE Level ½ Technical award in Engineering.  
KS4 (Years 10 and 11) Exam Board and Course:  NCFE Level ½ Technical award in Engineering.  
Exam and coursework Percentages:Unit 1: An externally set written exam accounting for 40% of the overall grade.   Unit 2: A non-exam assessment (NEA) accounting for 60% of the overall grade.    
Year 11 Course Details:Unit 1:  The exam covers all the topics on the specification and includes multiple choice questions, a range of 2–4-mark questions and 3 -9 marks questions where quality of the written response is also marked.   Unit 2 – The NEA is done in the final year of the course (Year 11) and has 6 parts: research, hand draft engineering drawings, CAD, production planning, making and evaluation.   In these units you will learn: The different engineering disciplines.Applied science and maths in engineeringHow to read engineering drawingsThe properties, characteristics and selection of engineering materials.Engineering tools, equipment and machines.Hand – drafted drawingsCAD engineering drawingsProduction planning techniquesApplied processing skills and techniques.    
KS3 details: Year 7 – 9  Our Key Stage 3 Design Technology curriculum is built around a carefully planned sequence of learning experiences that encourages students to create, design, prototype, and refine their projects using a range of materials and technologies. The implementation involves a variety of approaches, including collaborative learning, group activities, modelling, and independent learning. We aim to provide our students with a diverse range of experiences, with value placed on both traditional and modern approaches to Design and Technology. For students to gain knowledge in a range of Design and Technology areas, classes are rotated around different Design and Technology disciplines. This includes Graphics, Resistant Materials, Food, and Engineering. Students are provided with the opportunity to grow in confidence through dedicated teaching environments, manufacturing equipment and specialist teaching. At the core of our subject is creativity, innovation, and critical thinking. Other key areas such as health and safety, planning and practical skills are taught throughout Key Stage 3, so students have the necessary skills to succeed at Key Stage 4.    
Number of lessons per week:KS3: 1 lesson KS4: 2 lessons